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  • The Manifesto

    So.. just why do we think Mara Jade should be spaced, sent off to die in the cold lonely vacuum of the limitless void in the universe? Why should a bunch of (we'd like to think) intelligent people with lives, husbands, family and plenty of other hobbies spend their precious free time creating a Web site that is calling for the death of a fictional character?

    Good questions. Let's answer them.

    First, some history:

    For those who might not know her (assuming you found your way to this page due to a typo) Mara Jade was a character first introduced to the Star Wars Universe (hereafter referred to as the GFFA) by author Timothy Zahn back in his 1990 Star Wars Heir to the Empire book trilogy. In this trilogy that is much beloved by Star Wars book fans, he established that Mara Jade was a highly trained assassin/spy, answerable only to Emperor Palpatine. As a matter of fact her title was "Emperor's Hand", showing all who knew of her that her actions were the direct will of the Emperor himself. She was raised from birth to be what she was--a smart, skilled, destructive tool for the Emperor to use as he saw fit. The fact that she was also a very beautiful woman who was Force-sensitive only made her job easier.

    The Mara Death Poll

    What way would you like to see Mara Jade disappear from the GFFA?

    Die a slow, painful and horrible death
    She turns to the Dark Side and Luke is forced to kill her
    Jades Fire gets blown to smithereens by a very lucky, yet clumsy, rookie X-Wing pilot
    Leia takes her out in a no holds barred wrestling style cage match.
    Ewoks capture her and make her into the main course at tonight's feast

    Current Results