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  • The Manifesto, p. 8

    In the one excerpt from this Salvatore's novel that we have seen floating about on the Internet, Mara is dealing with this strange illness in the same way she seems to deal with everything--alone, shutting out the people who for some reason care about her. She suffers and refuses to allow anyone to even speak about it to her. To some this might seem noble, but to us it's selfish. As readers we find ourselves saying "perhaps your husband is worried for you, Mara, and he needs to assure himself you're going to be okay. Did you think about that?" Of course not.

    Oh, and let's not forget that Mara seems to now be Jaina's Jedi teacher. Did you read that sentence, people? HER JEDI TEACHER. The woman who was raised seeped in the evil teachings of Palpatine, the woman who has murdered and stolen and lord knows what else to further her master's twisted desires, the woman who tried time and again to kill her (now) husband . . . THIS is the woman who Leia is allowing to train her one and only daughter? Zahn explained Mara's past away haphazardly in Vision of the Future when Luke says to Mara:

    "'The point is that all the time you were serving the Emperor, you were never doing so out of selfish motives....You were serving, even if it was Palpatine and his own selfish ends. And service to others is the essence of being a Jedi....Some of the things you did were certainly wrong; but because you weren't doing them for your own purposes, the acts themselves didn't open you to the dark side.'"
    Excuse me? Is he saying that being around evil didn't influence Mara at all? In the real world, being raised by someone who isn't moral (or who demonstrates immoral behavior)--especially someone who trains one in immoral behavior--would logically lead the developing child to have a screwed-up view of right and wrong. Mara would at least have some problems in this area. Does this seem as wrong to you all as it does to us? If I were Leia, I'd be saying to Luke: "Listen, brother, you can screw the bitch if you must, but don't expect me to let her within 2 parsecs of my daughter."

    The Mara Death Poll

    What way would you like to see Mara Jade disappear from the GFFA?

    Die a slow, painful and horrible death
    She turns to the Dark Side and Luke is forced to kill her
    Jades Fire gets blown to smithereens by a very lucky, yet clumsy, rookie X-Wing pilot
    Leia takes her out in a no holds barred wrestling style cage match.
    Ewoks capture her and make her into the main course at tonight's feast

    Current Results